Animate being cruelty penalty - how long can you go to jail for? What'due south the maximum fine?

Creature CRUELTY has come under the spotlight this week after Premier League footballer Kurt Zouma was filmed kicking and slapping one of his pet cats. What'due south the penalty for fauna cruelty? Here's how long you could confront in prison.

Kurt Zouma fined 'maximum amount' by West Ham after mistreating his cat

Footage which was posted online showed the West Ham defender abusing the welfare of one of his pets, prompting "urgent enquiries" by Essex Police and the RSPCA. The charity has now seized the two cats as it continues an investigation into the 27-year-sometime'due south deportment, while the development has also brought the topic of animal cruelty into abrupt focus. So, what are the legal repercussions for anyone found guilty of an offence?

What is the punishment for animate being cruelty?

In the Britain, the maximum prison sentence for committing an offence of animal cruelty is five years in jail.

The length of the penalization increased last June, following the introduction of the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Neb.

Originally, the upper limit of the sentence was six months.

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A kitten stuck outside in the rain

Animal cruelty penalty - how long can you lot go to jail for? What'southward the maximum fine? (Paradigm: GETTY)

Image of a UK police car in public

In the UK, the maximum prison house judgement for committing an offence of animate being cruelty is v years (Image: GETTY)

According to GOV.U.k.: "The new maximum penalty will enable courts to take a firmer arroyo to cases such as canis familiaris fighting, corruption of puppies and kittens, illegally cropping a dog's ears and gross neglect of farm animals.

"The Act will assistance ensure courts are able to enforce extended penalties for those who cruelly mistreat any animal, sending a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated."

In add-on to time behind bars, offenders tin too be subjected to an unlimited fine.

Overall, the legislation is some of the most stringent which can exist plant inside Europe.

Image of Chris Loder MP

Chris Loder introduced the Private Members Bill in Feb 2017 (Image: GETTY)

During 2017, a public consultation received over 9,000 responses and showed strong public support for proposals on tougher sentences.

The RSPCA - a charity operating in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare - and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home were amidst the groups who offered their support to the legislation existence introduced.

Chris Loder, a Conservative MP, introduced the Private Members Pecker - a public nib introduced past MPs and Lords who are not Government ministers - in Feb 2017.

Then, with the support of the Authorities, the paper was passed into law on June 29, 2021.

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Kurt Zouma playing for West Ham United

On Wednesday, the RSPCA took abroad two pet cats belonging to Kurt Zouma (Image: GETTY)

On Wednesday, the RSPCA took abroad two pet cats belonging to Kurt Zouma later on he was defenseless on photographic camera kicking and slapping 1 of them.

In a statement the charity said: "The ii cats are now in RSPCA care. Our priority is and has always been the wellbeing of these cats.

"They've been taken for a check-up at a vets and then volition remain in our care while the investigation continues.

"We're grateful to everyone who expressed their business organization for these cats. We were dealing with this issue before the video went viral online and are leading the investigation."

A statement released by Zouma's club, West Ham United, said it "tin confirm that the social club is supporting an RSPCA investigation" and that "Zouma has been fined the maximum amount possible following his deportment in the video that circulated".

The fine is understood to corporeality to 2 week's wages.

Most 175,000 signatures have been collected for a petition listed on enervating the prosecution of "the perpetrators of this heinous act".

Anti Animal Abuse, which created the online entreatment, had also urged the RSPCA to "remove all animals from Zouma'south 'care' immediately".