
With the new Microsoft Edge, you can almost use the Xbox Series S/X for productivity

Microsoft Edge For Xbox Source: Windows Central

A long time ago, I interviewed one-time Xbox CVP Mike Ybarra virtually the time to come of Xbox, and what Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps could mean for the platform. Jokingly, nosotros discussed getting the UWP version of Microsoft Office onto Xbox, enabling users to potentially turn their consoles into productivity devices. Well, cheers to the new Microsoft Edge, nosotros're well-nigh at that place (???).

In that location are a few bugs, given that this is pre-release software bachelor in the Xbox Insider Program, but I am typing this article up on my Xbox, with total mouse and keyboard support, using Microsoft Onedrive'southward Office 365 Microsoft Discussion for the web. But for fun.

Using Microsoft Edge on Xbox

Microsoft Edge For Xbox Source: Windows Central

The new Microsoft Border on Xbox is powered past Chromium and does away with all the compatibility problems of the previous Microsoft Edge, powered by Microsoft'due south own browser engine. While the older browser had sure advantages, the unabridged web is now built around Google's Chromium project, forcing Microsoft to follow suit for the sake of offering users the experience they expect. Equally a effect, nosotros not only go a faster, more compliant browsing feel but also other enhancements since it's all built on the aforementioned arrangement equally Chrome.

The previous version of Microsoft Edge for Xbox was slow, lacked mouse and keyboard back up, and missed out on a lot of compatibilities with the modern web. Certain websites wouldn't load upwards, or would even crash entirely, as the browser was lacking admission to certain video features and things of this nature. Thus far, I've found the new Microsoft Border to be far superior in this regard, although at that place are a few bugs here and at that place (again, pre-release software).

Microsoft Edge For Xbox Microsoft Edge For Xbox Source: Windows Central

Notably, the on-screen keyboard pops upwards and doesn't seem to exist aware of when I have a physical keyboard connected, which is a tad abrasive. Information technology is at to the lowest degree aware of where my cursor is and moves out of the manner when I'm trying to type. Also, it seems in-line video embeds can also crash the browser as of writing. No dubiousness both of these things volition be stock-still earlier information technology ships to the public though.

Microsoft Edge for Xbox has all of the features of the beta aqueduct version of Microsoft Edge on PC, including newer features like vertical tabs and theme skins. There'south also a range of Xbox-style custom tabs you lot can get. The Gears of War theme gives new tabs some Gears flavor, alongside carmine and black accents for the browser itself. Critically, it also supports a mouse and keyboard, which yous'd promise to find on a modern web browser solution. I am using the excellent wireless Razer Turret mouse and keyboard philharmonic for Xbox, which is quite easily the best keyboard for Xbox correct now. There is a range of games that back up mouse and keyboard on Xbox natively, but we're not hither for the gaming today.

Microsoft Edge For Xbox Source: Windows Central

Mouse and keyboard access also open a globe of possibilities. Technically, you at present accept access to Xbox Game Pass cloud streaming for the web via this browser, although I'm not quite sure what purpose that would solve given that all of those Xbox games run natively on your console. At that place might exist a future where Sony's PlayStation Now service gets a web-based component, if they're actually serious about the service, potentially opening up admission to playing PlayStation games via the deject on Xbox. Certainly, services like Google Stadia and Amazon Luna will work too. You can also utilise Parsec or another similar remote desktop service to stream a connected PC, and thus Steam, into a connected Xbox panel.

Xbox Series S as a lightweight productivity PC?

Microsoft Edge For Xbox Source: Windows Primal

Microsoft'due south upcoming lightweight version of Windows dubbed Windows 10X will lean more heavily into Progressive Web Apps (PWA) than it does full-blown native applications. We expect Windows 10X to be discussed at Build 2022 this year, alongside the long-rumored visual refresh of Windows x, internally dubbed Sun Valley.

Edit May 7, 2022: Nevermind, apparently Windows 10X is expressionless. But hey, perhaps the Xbox Bone could pick up the slack?

While Xbox no uncertainty has its hands full building games and services specifically for, you know, gaming, I tin can't help just be curious about the potential Microsoft Edge opens up for Xbox to get more productivity-oriented. File construction access and more seamless OneDrive integration are all it'd have to turn an Xbox Series Southward into a cheap, merely fairly potent spider web-based productivity PC, complete with serious gaming chops on the side for skilful measure. What if your kids could utilise their Xbox to do their homework on, before gaming? Xbox already has robust parental control tools baked into the panel, alongside Microsoft Edge. It's most impossible to infect an Xbox console with viruses and malware, and with PWA applications and services getting more robust every solar day, the potential is certainly in that location.

Would they actually do information technology? Probably not.

The corporeality of people who are likely to connect upwardly a mouse and keyboard to their Xbox nether any circumstance is probably quite low. I'd also wager that Xbox is already spread thin, focusing on gaming over productivity, as and so they should be. It'southward fun to imagine what an Xbox that was a little more than streamlined for deject-based productivity might look like, but information technology's probably non something that Microsoft will focus any try into any time shortly. Just would they fifty-fifty need to?

Microsoft Edge sure is starting to make my Xbox experience a whole lot more PC right at present.

Information technology potentially wouldn't take a huge corporeality of investment to get the Xbox into a place where Microsoft can be relatively hands-off with it, though. All I really need is mouse and keyboard access on the dashboard, to improve the workflow – right at present y'all need to reach for a controller to use the dashboard, or awkwardly navigate using the arrow keys and enter. Having some form of express local file access would also be ideal, for things as basic as downloading images to include in documents. Even the power to salve a file directly into OneDrive would exist ideal. We already have the UWP Photos app for light photo editing.

And sure, Xbox'southward focus should remain firmly on games and things that benefit gamers, but hey, Microsoft Edge sure is starting to make my Xbox feel a whole lot more PC right now.


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